I've always been around computers. Since I can remember my dad used to either have one taken apart and spread from end-to-end on the dining-table or farting around with software. I used to hang out with him or my brother and watch them do computer stuff. I still remember what the old Macintosh layout looked like, and how the apple used to have a rainbow in it. My dad passed away when I was eleven and I lost a lot of what used to keep me interested in IT. When you lose your best friend, it becomes hard to stay involved in what they seemed to understand and teach so well. My brother got me interested in video-games early. I used to watch him play Tom Clancy shooters (not so interesting) or RPGs that have since entered the hallowed halls of "Video-Games as Art," like Baldur's Gate and Half-Life (very interesting, especially when little-me got to build a character with a wolf-companion.)

I'm not too experienced with IT, but due to interest and first-encounter with a couple of serious viruses years ago (key-logger and rootkit infections) I know a little (and I do mean little) knowledge about good online security/hygiene.

I chose RMIT after my mum told me she was doing a degree in IT. Considering she had not expressed any interest in IT other than that out professional curiosity, and her being 62, I asked her why and how. Long-story-short I found out this degree existed and was offered by RMIT. The degree is a Bachelors of Information Technology and is what I am doing this course for. Therefore, I expect I will learn the foundation skills for said degree and for the IT industry at large. I expect to know how to work as part of a dev team, and to have some basic coding skills by the end of this semester.
