If you're reading this, you're probably assessing my work. Hi, I'm Claire! I'm a twenty-something PCW. A PCW wipes old people butts for a living, although the job is far more complicated than that. I love my work, but this course is an opportunity to live the dream.

The only education I recieved after completing high-school was a Certificate III in Aged and Community Care in late 2015. .

I have too many hobbies I have too little time for; I enjoy reading, writing, painting, gaming, knitting, and feeble attempts at architecture. I enjoy obscure old nerd stuff, britcoms, terrible fashion and existential terror. I live at home with my mum and sisters. .

We have an unspeakable number of cats (4) and a lonesome, terrified border collie. This blog is an attempt at a rescue mission from the dog and I; the cats cannot read so I will try to type my way to freedom. If you are reading this, please send a large tin of tuna, a pantomime horse costume and a small smoke bomb. .

Interesting fact: My nick-name as a baby was peanut. I had a peanut shaped head (lucky me.)
