• What do the results of these tests mean for you?

Not much from them surprised me. I'm familiar with the myers-briggs test and have used it before. I'm more of a push-over than I thought and am "sensitive", apparently. I already know I'm very introverted, emotional, live in la-la land and posses a pathological need for order. I don't have much to say regarding the results, but I suppose no news is good news.

• How do you think these results may influence your behaviour in a team?

I'm easily pushed around by others. I work in a team environment every working day and I usually end up being told what to do. I am compliant as I don't want to lose my job, but in the case of study, I feel I have much less reason to avoid confrontation should it occur. I like study, but it does not pay my bills. I tend to be sensitive and take things personally, so I'll need to distance my feelings from the project and remember that being criticized or overruled is not meant to be personal or hurtfull. I tend to avoid things that stress me, and EVERYTHING stresses me, so I need to structure study/teamwork time to make it less daunting and easy to digest.

• How should you take this into account when forming a team?

I'm not a very assertive person, so I will need to advocate for myself, as well as speak up and contribute more to the project then I am necessarily comfortable with; that being said, I will also need to push back when others try to fob work off on me or try to push me to do what they think is best. I'll have to be conscious of my role in the team and remember that I have an obligation to take feedback from my peirs, for the sake of the project and our overall mark. As I said above, structure and time-management will be important to me to keep me from avoiding my obligations and keep me pulling my weight.
